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Glass Properties

Woven fiberglass fabrics offer the widest range and the best control over the thickness, weight, and strength of all forms of fiberglass textiles. This offers the materials engineer a wide choice of controlled fabric properties to satisfy design needs and objectives. In general, woven glass fabrics have the following properties:

High Tensile Strength

Glass is one of the strongest textile fibers, having greater specific tensile strength than steel wire of the same diameter, at a lower weight.

Dimensional Stability

Low elongation under load, generally 3% or less. Glass fibers produce fabrics with excellent dimensional stability under various types of conditions.

High Heat Resistance

Glass fabrics have excellent heat resistance at relatively low cost. They retain approximately 50% of room temperature tensile strength at 700°F (371°C); approximately 25% at 900°F (482°C); with a softening point of 1555°F (846°C) and a melting point of 2075° F (1121 °C).

Fire Resistance

Composed of inorganic materials, glass fabrics are noncombustible, a natural choice where flammability is a concern.

Good Thermal Conductivity

The rapid heat dissipation of glass fabrics is particularly important in electrical insulation applications.

Good Chemical Resistance

Like glass itself, fiberglass fabrics are highly resistant to attack by most chemicals.

Outstanding Electrical Properties

Glass fabrics withstand high temperature and have low moisture regain. Along with its high dielectric strength and low dielectric constant, glass is of major importance and usefulness in the electrical industry.


Being inert, glass fabrics are unaffected by sunlight, fungus, or bacteria.


Glass fabrics are lower in cost than many other fabrics for similar applications.